Governance & Trustee Information

Julia Breakwell

Lee Gray
Chief Executive Officer, Trustee
Lee started his career teaching science and PE at Chipping Campden school in Gloucestershire. He had four years supported by excellent colleagues who understood the value of strong relationships and coaching. He became an Advanced Skills Teacher for science in 2002 before spending five years working overseas at International Schools in Thailand and Monaco. It was overseas where he learnt that there are different ways of approaching education and the value of strong curriculum values to help children learn. He saw how valuable effective school communities could be in supporting an organisation’s vision.
Lee returned to the UK in 2008 and spent six years working at Tudor Grange, Solihull in roles ranging from Head of Science to Director of Teaching School. He learnt a great deal in these roles and gained the confidence and belief that he could lead an organisation and impact on a school and local community.
In 2014, Lee was appointed as Headteacher of Studley High School.
I will not pretend that this was an easy transition, as being a headteacher is a very challenging role. However, the strength of staff community and the shared desire to help pupils to achieve all they can meant we all moved forward together. Studley was awarded Teaching School status in 2015 and I became a National Leader in Education. Many staff from Studley High have been involved in supporting schools facing challenging circumstances and Studley has gone from strength to strength in the past 8 years.
Lee became CEO/Principal of The Shires MAT when it formed in Sept 2020 with three local schools. Since then, a further three schools have joined our family of schools. Lee is excited about future growth and development of our MAT.' our Trust and team grows we are ever improving our offer in a caring but high quality environment where we all do the best we can for the communities we serve.

Ian Dixon
Chair of the Business and Finance Committee,
Link Governor for Feckenham Primary School
Lead SEND Trustee
Hello, I am a trustee of the Shires MAT and chair the Business and Finance committee. Previously I served as a governor of Studley High School for 7 years and prior to that I was a governor at Astwood Bank First School for 5 years. I am also the link trustee to Feckenham First School, as well as being a Diocese of Worcester approved trustee. I live locally, and previously in Redditch, so have a good understanding of the local education system and offers. I am married and have 2 children, both of whom went to Astwood Bank and Studley High.
My main expertise is in finance and data, so can bring a logical and rational approach to the challenges facing the trust and schools.
I am also part of the Finance for a local charity and involved with an Amateur Operatic company.
In my employment I have worked as an analyst for banks, a property company, the NHS, amongst others, and currently work for a Children’s Services provider. My expertise is in data and reporting, working closely with heads of departments and finance teams.
I am Chair of the Business and Finance Committee, Link Governor for Feckenham Primary School and SEND Trustee.

Arabella Pasquette
Business and Finance Committee Member
Arabella has lived in the UK for over 40 years. She completed her GCSEs and A levels, an engineering degree and then an MBA, and is a Fellow with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Arabella has spent most of her career driving improvement, leading quality and compliance for companies in the private sector. She taught in a large college in Singapore for two years at bachelors and masters degree levels, and contributed several case studies in a strategic marketing book that has been published.
Key strengths and experience: A creative leader that energises businesses and overcomes obstacles to get results • Quality improvement • Customer satisfaction • Operational excellence • Restructuring • Programme management • Commercial acumen and negotiation skills • Lean / six sigma expertise • M&A, business development, strategic thinker • International background • Strong communicator.
Arabella serves on the Business and Finance Committee.

Katie Reilly
Audit and Risk Committee Member
Link Governor to Astwood Bank Primary School
I am Chief Operating Officer for The Black Pear Trust and have been employed here since May 2022. I also fulfil the role of CFO. I am responsible for all operations functions: finance, HR, IT, governance, IT, estates, catering and H&S. I share responsibility for growth of the Trust and lead many due diligence and onboarding processes. I previously worked in a number of commercial roles serving the public and private sector and worked in a variety of settings, for example in leadership development, foster care and many years in the fire and emergency sector. I also ran my own business for a number of years.
I have been a parent governor, chair of governors and Trustee. I was chair of governors in a school in a category and navigated the academisation process. I am keen to serve the community in which I live and work and to further support young people to be the very best they can. I am passionate about helping young people, in particular those facing disadvantage, to have equity in life and learning and Shires appears to be a Trust in which I can help make a difference.
My expertise includes strategic leadership, understanding governance and compliance, financial acumen, performance monitoring, HR management, educational experience, communication, collaboration, integrity and commitment to ongoing CPD for all.

Elaine Shelley
Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
Lead Trustee for Staff Development and Well-being
Link Trustee for Studley High School
My current role provides of a range of valuation services including appraisal of inventory, accounts receivable, machinery and equipment on a global basis with coverage in APAC, EMEA and US.
Sector experience includes; Automotive, Aerospace, Oil and Gas, FMCG, Mining, Printing, Packaging, Steel, Industrial Manufacturing, Fleet, Construction, Renewables.
Valuation purposes include;
- Value assets accurately for lending, accounting, restructuring or balance sheet purposes
• Appraisal of fixed assets for insolvency, restructuring, collateral and lending purposes
• Valuation of Assets for; Cross Border asset transfer, Internal Restructuring & Business Managed Closures, Acquisition, Impairment, Tax Purposes etc.
I currently serve as the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee. I am Lead Trustee for Staff Development and Well-being Trustee and the Link Trustee for Studley High School.

Mike Thake
Member, Trustee and Chair of Trust
Lead Safeguarding Trustee
Link Trustee for NBHS
A professional graduate engineer and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with significant experience in leading small to medium size businesses at director level with particular emphasis on business performance and efficiency.
I have had experience of working across Europe and in southern Africa (Zaire - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Swaziland – Eswatini and South Africa) on start-up businesses and on specific capital projects either living in country or spending significant time there.
I have had P& L responsibility for several companies and had to manage significant growth as well as staff reductions.
Over the last 20 years I have worked in the finance industry and have had responsibility for implementation of and ensuring compliance with statutory regulations including the FCA Senior Management and Certification Regime and the GDPR.
I am a fully trained Lean Six Sigma Black Belt having completed my training over a 3-year period with GMAC, the finance arm of General Motors in Europe. This entailed working on international projects across Europe and significant training including 5 weeks full time in 5 separate European capitals.
I have led several IT projects including the delivery of a major communications infrastructure in The Netherlands, roll out of Siebel On Demand CRM system in the UK and introduction of the New Client Acquisition System across 14 countries for a global leasing company.
I have been a governor since 1996 at a local primary school, Studley High School and recently Shires Multi Academy Trust; most of that time as Chair.
I am Lead Trustee for Safeguarding, and the Link Trustee for North Bromsgrove High School.

Marc Worrall
Lead Health and Safety and Estates Trustee
Marc set up his architectural practice some 47 years ago and has considerable experience across a range of building projects. Significantly, many projects have been successfully completed for Schools throughout the Midlands. It has always been a concern that the responsibility usually falls on the Senior Management team of Schools and Governors to commission major capital projects without necessarily having the experience and expertise to identify risks which could have significant financial implications.
Marc’s knowledge and experience can only help to mitigate risks and help ensure building projects are well considered and planned. In his professional life Marc has provided his services from conception to completion for numerous School building projects, working closely with Headteachers and Governors to identify the key requirements to improve the teaching environment for pupils and staff.
Marc is also a Trustee of two local Charities and is Chairman of Alvechurch Parish Council and has been for the last 4 years. Until recently, Marc had been a Governor of a Worcestershire First School for 11 years with specific responsibilities for several improvement projects and extensions to the school, as well as Health and Safety matters.

Helen Dunnico
Audit and Risk Committee Member
Link Trustee to Webheath Academy Primary School
Having spent all my working life in schools, I am passionate about education and understand the impact that high quality provision can have on children’s lives. I was a Head Teacher for 15 years across 2 primary schools and although not in this role anymore, I am keen to seek opportunities to continue to support schools, their leaders and ultimately the children. During my time in senior leadership, I worked with several different Governing Boards and recognize the value of a challenging, yet supportive Body, each with individual expertise and experience.
I am currently employed as Head Teacher Advocate. Working in Tudor Grange Teaching School Hub, tracking engagement of schools in Hub region in ITT; supporting schools to become involved in supporting ITT; Meeting with HT groups to deliver key messages around ITT; Supporting the development of the Hub role across the region.
I was keen to be part of a Trust that has high aspirations for all members of its community, no matter their starting point. I believe the Trust recognizes both the value of schools working collaboratively but also understands that each school has an individual character and specific needs.

Glen Mellor
Business and Finance Committee Member
Lead Standards and Personal Development Trustee (to include Careers)
Glenn has a wealth of leadership experience in a number of educational settings and is currently Headteacher of Coventry Extended Learning Centre, a Pupil Referral Unit for Key Stage 3 & 4 pupils who have struggled to access mainstream school education due to Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) issues.
Glenn has extensive experience in supporting schools with strategic school improvements especially in the area of effective behaviour for learning systems and developing teaching and learning. He has a broad understanding of creating outstanding provision in a variety of school contexts including schools in special measures, the independent sector and schools with outstanding status.
Glenn has just completed a term Governor and Chair of Webheath Academy Primary School Local Governing Body, part of the Shires MAT, with responsibility for curriculum.

Mike Thake
Member, Trustee and Chair of Trust
Lead Safeguarding Trustee
Link Trustee for NBHS
A professional graduate engineer and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with significant experience in leading small to medium size businesses at director level with particular emphasis on business performance and efficiency.
I have had experience of working across Europe and in southern Africa (Zaire - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Swaziland – Eswatini and South Africa) on start-up businesses and on specific capital projects either living in country or spending significant time there.
I have had P& L responsibility for several companies and had to manage significant growth as well as staff reductions.
Over the last 20 years I have worked in the finance industry and have had responsibility for implementation of and ensuring compliance with statutory regulations including the FCA Senior Management and Certification Regime and the GDPR.
I am a fully trained Lean Six Sigma Black Belt having completed my training over a 3-year period with GMAC, the finance arm of General Motors in Europe. This entailed working on international projects across Europe and significant training including 5 weeks full time in 5 separate European capitals.
I have led several IT projects including the delivery of a major communications infrastructure in The Netherlands, roll out of Siebel On Demand CRM system in the UK and introduction of the New Client Acquisition System across 14 countries for a global leasing company.
I have been a governor since 1996 at a local primary school, Studley High School and recently Shires Multi Academy Trust; most of that time as Chair.
I am Lead Trustee for Safeguarding, and the Link Trustee for North Bromsgrove High School.

Matthew Hickin
After attending Studley High School and then King Edward VI Grammar School I studied a BSc (Hons) at Keele University. Following education, I took up full time employment with a specialty chemical business, National Starch & Chemical (NSC) where I worked initially in the UK and then in Germany, Netherlands and Poland. After 18 years with NSC I moved to Vaillant Group – producer and maintenance of heating appliances - initially based in Germany and then working in China and the Netherlands.
Following this I worked for Lavendon Group, as MD for Gardemann GmbH, their operating business in Germany, following which I worked as CEO with Calor Gas Ltd. I am delighted to be a Member for the Shires having attended Studley High School and having the opportunity to share my business experience with the Trust.

Justin Kerridge
Justin Kerridge is a County Councillor for Studley at Warwickshire County Council and has been District Councillor for Studley, a former pupil (and parent of a former pupil) of Studley High and is involved in the Studley in Business (local business forum) and Enjoyably Studley community website and signage project. He enjoys Dinghy sailing, hill walking and is currently trying to get to grips with sailing a rather dilapidated yacht.
He supports the Shires MAT desire for high quality provision and inspirational staff enabling confident and ambitious pupils to thrive and succeed.

Sue Molloy
Worked full time in Primary education for 35 years, teaching across all three key stages. Specific areas of interest in Mathematics, Art and More Able. Led a rural village C of E Primary School for 8 years which was judged to be Outstanding by Ofsted in 2013.
Assisted in the formation of a Primary School network and teacher training SCITT at Tudor Grange Teaching School 2013-2017.
Former Chair of Governors at Thomas Jolyffe Primary School in Stratford upon Avon.

Corporate Member
Shires MAT – Governance overview, aims, roles and responsibilities
The purpose and governance arrangements for the Shires MAT are set out in its Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation (SoD).
- This document is intended to set out:
- The Principles of Governance
- Shires MAT vision, values and aims
- The respective roles of Members, Trustees and Governors
- Shires MAT expectations of the conduct of Members, Trustees and Governors
- Communication arrangements between each level of governance and between the executive teams
- A code of conduct for governors (appendix 5)
Together these documents constitute a Governance Overview for the organisation; setting out the fundamental principles of the organisation and the rules for its governance.
- Governance in the Shires MAT is underpinned by a shared vision, values and aims that give purpose to all our actions. All Members, Trustees, Governors, and academies will promote the vision and subscribe to the values and aims set out below.
- Shires MAT will be a trustworthy, reliable, approachable, caring, ethical and inspirational organisation, delivering the best possible learning experiences.
- Shires MAT recognises that the partnership, communication and relationship between each part of the organisation is key to delivering our vision. We expect all Members, Trustees, Governors, Senior Leaders and Staff in our academies to demonstrate ethical leadership, work collaboratively and, drawing on the best practices of working with others, ensure that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
- Shires MAT, in line with its vision of excellence in education, aims to provide excellence in its governance.
- Governance is underpinned by a common understanding about who is responsible for decision making, and the mechanisms by which others can provide valuable input to decision making; the SoD makes this process transparent. This document outlines the arrangements for communication between each part of the organisation.
- Financial governance must, as a foundation, be compliant with the principles and regulations set out in the Academies Financial Handbook (AFH).
- Effective governance in Shires MAT is supported by the following:
- Trust Members – the guardians of the constitution Trust Board – the Trustees
- Trust Board sub-committees
- Local Governing Bodies – the Local Governors
- The Executive Team – the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the school Headteachers and the Chief Finance Officer (CFO).
- The Trust Board has overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Shires MAT, including the establishment and maintenance of the academies.
- It is our belief that strong local governance is the most effective way to build successful academies and, in most circumstances, we expect to delegate the governance of each school to the relevant Local Governing Body (LGB). There should be no duplication of governance, and decisions should be made as close as possible to the impact of that decision.
- We will continue to develop our governance arrangements to shape and take account of best practice in the sector and will ensure we regularly assess the effectiveness of our governance.
Governance within the Shires MAT
Role of Members
Members are best viewed as guardians of the constitution, changing the Articles of Association if necessary and ensuring the charitable object is fulfilled. The Members appoint some of the Trustees and can exercise reserve powers to appoint and remove Trustees, but it is anticipated that this power will be rarely exercised. The Academy Trust will ordinarily have at least five Members. Members are expected to meet at least annually to receive the report of the Trustees and CEO. They may attend meetings of the Trust Board as observers and with the consent of the Chair. Whilst in law Members are permitted to be appointed as Trustees, in order to retain a degree of separation of powers between the Members and the Trust Board, and in line with DfE expectations, Shires MAT has determined that normally only one Member will sit as a Trustee and provide a link between the Trust Board and Members. Members are not permitted to be employees of the Academy Trust. One of the Trust members represents the Diocese of Worcester as a corporate member linked to Feckenham (VC) C of E Academy.
Role of Trustees
The role of the Trust Board is described below:
- Setting the vision, ethos and strategy for the Shires MAT and its academies over the next three to five years;
- Establishing the governance structures for the Shires MAT, from Members to school level, in keeping with the Articles of Association;
- Providing clarity, through the published Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation (SoD), Risk Management Framework and other such documents as it shall produce from time to time, of the level at which the following governance functions are exercised:
- determining each individual school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
- recruiting each school’s Headteacher
- performance management of each school’s Headteacher
- determining Human Resources policy and practice
- oversight of each school’s budget, identification, assessment and mitigation of the risks for each school.
- Setting the level at which the LGBs will have authority and accountability through the SoD;
- Engaging with the Shires MAT communities, parents, pupils and staff;
- Contributing to developing collaborative relationships beyond the Trust;
- Ensuring that there is strong and effective executive leadership across the Trust; Overview and scrutiny of academies’ education performance data;
Overview and scrutiny of the Shires MAT financial capability and management systems to ensure compliance with the Academies Financial Handbook, and delivery of best value for money;
Ensuring senior leaders within academies are challenged to improve the education of pupils;
Ensuring financial probity and maintaining effective financial controls and balances across the Shires MAT.
Developing the Trust Board to ensure that it has the capacity, skills and succession plans to have a positive impact on outcomes for pupil. The Trust Board may carry out these functions through its sub committees, Terms of Reference for which will be included as appendices.
Agreeing Link Trustees to work with each individual academy to ensure effective communication and processes.
The Board will ensure that new Trustees undertake a formal Induction process. The Board will also carry out a regular skills audit of its Trustees, using the DfE Skills and Competency Framework and appropriate audit tools. Where key skills are missing on the Board, expertise will be procured to support the challenge and scrutiny of specialist areas such as human resources or educational performance.
Role of Local Governing Bodies (LGBs)
The role of Local Governor within the Multi-Academy Trust is an important one. In developing our governance arrangements, the Trust Board has sought to ensure that the responsibility to govern is vested in those closest to the impact of decision- making and that such responsibility matches the capacity of those assuming responsibility. The Local Governors are accountable to the Trust Board (which in turn is accountable to the Department for Education) as well as to the communities they serve.
The broad duties of the Local Governing Body are summarised as:
To contribute to and fulfil the vision and ethos of Shires MAT in so far as it relates to the school, ensuring that the school achieves the aims and ambitions it has for its pupils, having regard in particular to the benefits of being part of a family of academies which stresses the importance of collaboration and mutual support;
To develop, implement and review the strategic plan for the school, focussing on the school’s performance and achieving sustained improvement and having regard to any locally agreed priorities identified by the Trust Board;
To act as a critical friend to the school’s senior leadership team, being ready to challenge and hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance;
To oversee the management of the finances of the school, assessing the annual budget prepared by the school’s
Headteacher (with the support of the school’s senior leadership team and the CEO/CFO) and submitting such for approval by the Trust Board, ensuring that the school works within its budget and the school’s senior leadership team adopts and implements appropriate risk and financial management policies and practices;
To support the Trust Board in ensuring that insurance or equivalent risk protection is put in place and maintained for all risk areas including damage to property, employer liability, public and third party liability and director liability in accordance with any policy issued by the Trust Board from time to time;
To support the school’s Headteacher in the development and review (from time to time) of an appropriate staffing structure for the school, ensuring there is robust and accountable monitoring of the performance of staff and implementing all and any policies relating to staff adopted by the Trust Board;
To support the Trust Board in its monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of any central services and functions provided or procured by the Academy Trust for the academies, reporting any issues or concerns to the CEO and, if necessary, the Chair of the Trust Board;
To promote within the organisation and externally the benefits of collaboration with the other academies and to actively seek opportunities to work together either with the aim of improving economic efficiencies within the academies or identifying and implementing best practice;
To develop effective links within the school’s community, communicating openly and frequently as appropriate and ensuring that the school meets its responsibilities to the community and serves the community’s needs in relation to the safeguarding and education of its pupils; and
To engage fully and openly with any inspection of the school, whether by the Trust Board, Ofsted or any other appropriate public body to whom the school is accountable. Suggested terms of reference for LGBs are included in the appendices.
The Trust Board remains ultimately responsible for the Shires MAT and the conduct of its academies. Whilst it is expected that governance of the individual academies will be fully delegated to LGBs there may be, exceptionally, circumstances in which it is necessary for the Trust Board to intervene and withdraw delegated authority, either from a specific area of governance or completely.
In such circumstances the Trust Board will work closely with that school and its governors to create the circumstances in which full delegation can be restored.
Exceptional circumstances would include the following:
- Insufficient progress against educational targets such that there is a risk of intervention by Ofsted/Secretary of State without rapid improvement
- Significant concerns about financial probity or effectiveness
- There has been a breakdown in the way the school is managed or governed The safety of pupils or staff is threatened, including a breakdown of discipline
Role of the CEO
The CEO has delegated responsibility for the operation of the Shires MAT and the academies within it.
The CEO has a role in the performance management of the Executive Team, including school Headteachers, and is expected to have an overview of the performance of each school. The CEO will be a Trustee and ex-officio member of the Trust Board.
As the designated Accounting Officer, the CEO has overall responsibility for the operation of Shires MAT’s financial responsibilities. On a day to day basis this responsibility is delegated to the CFO and the individual academies. The CEO must ensure that the organisation is run with financial effectiveness and stability; avoiding waste and securing value for money. The CEO leads the executive management team of the Academy Trust. The CEO will delegate executive management functions to the executive management team and is accountable to the Trust board for the performance of the executive management team.
Role of the school Headteacher
School Headteachers are responsible for the day to day management of their school and for driving its overall performance. Whilst line managed by the CEO, they are expected to be autonomous professionals and, in most circumstances, to operate independently within the overall vision, values and ethos framework of the Shires MAT. School Headteachers will be ex-officio members of their LGB and will report to them for all delegated responsibilities.
Pupil, parent and staff voice
Accessing and responding to the ideas and concerns of our key stakeholders is an important part of the operations and governance of the Shires MAT. School Headteachers will be members of the Shires MAT Headteacher’s Group and will meet at least once each month with the CEO and, as appropriate, the CFO. They will be responsible for providing advice and guidance to Trustees as well as for the operational delivery of the Shires MAT vision and objectives. We expect all our academies to have active Pupil Councils with representatives from each year group. Each LGB is expected to give due regard to issues that are raised though the Pupil Council and the management actions taken in response to the issues.
Where appropriate these should be brought to the attention of Trustees. The Trustee Board will consult with Headteachers and LGBs to
consider other ways in which the pupil voice is taken into account. Parental voice is formally built into the governance structure with the election by parents of two parent Governors to each LGB. LGBs will need to give consideration to other mechanisms of communication and consultation appropriate to their school.
It is recommended that staff voice is similarly built into the governance structure with the election to each LGB of at least one employee, and ideally representatives from both teaching and support staff of the school by employees of that school. Where no staff representative has been identified it is recommended that a vacant governor role is held.
It is expected that Headteachers will bring issues of staff concern or ideas for development to the Shires MAT Headteacher’s Group and will also facilitate professional contacts between staff as appropriate.
Shires MAT will consider what further mechanisms for pupil, parent and staff representation at other governance levels may be appropriate.
How to become a Trustee
If you would like to register your interest and you are happy to give your valuable time to help make a positive difference for young learners and therefore the future of our community, please email: [email protected]